The Sandbox DAO のメンバーは以下の規範を遵守することとします。
- The Sandbox DAO の利用規約に同意し、遵守します。
- 他のコミュニティに対して敬意を持って接すること、またいかなる形の差別およびヘイト発言を一切容認しないこと。
The Sandbox DAO の特別審議会は以下の規範を遵守することとします。
- The Sandbox DAO の価値観や目標に対して誠意、公平性、また真摯に取り組むこと。
- DAO の評判や機能に損害を与えるような行動や決定を避けるため、高い倫理観を持つこと。
- 一般コミュニティ規範を遵守すること。
- SIP にコミュニティを勧めるかどうかに関わらず、投票前にSIPまたは議題に関する利害の衝突を開示すること。
- TheSandbox DAO の情報に関するプライバシーおよびセキュリティを守るため、必要な場合は機密性を保持すること。
- 特別審議会のメンバー間で意見の食い違いや不一致があった場合、オープンな対話とコンセンサス形成を通じて出来るだけの努力をすること。
- DAO のコミュニティと積極的かつ透明性の高いコミュニケーションを行うこと。
Delegates code of conduct
The Sandbox DAO values the principles of transparency, accountability, and integrity in its governance processes. To ensure that delegates act in the best interest of the community and the ecosystem, we establish this Delegate Code of Conduct. By opting into this code, delegates commit to upholding the highest standards of behaviour and responsibility.
1. Commitment to the Network's Best Interest
- Primary Responsibility: Delegates must prioritise the long-term success and development of The Sandbox ecosystem. Decisions should reflect the broader community's interests, aiming to enhance the sustainability, security, and growth of the platform.
- Good Faith: All actions and votes should be carried out with honesty, integrity, and a transparent commitment to what is believed to be in the best interest of The Sandbox.
- Avoidance of Excessive Delegation: Delegates are discouraged from encouraging excessive voting power delegation to avoid undue influence or manipulation of governance processes.
2. Active Participation in Governance
- Voting Obligations: Delegates are expected to participate actively in the governance process by voting on all proposals and interacting with the community on the dedicated SIPs threads. This ensures that the voting power entrusted to them is used effectively.
- Diligent Review: Prior to voting, delegates must conduct a thorough, selfless, and unbiased review of each proposal, ensuring decisions are made with full understanding of the potential impacts.
- Engagement in Debate: Delegates should engage constructively in discussions surrounding governance proposals, expressing well-reasoned support or opposition. In cases of conflict of interest or insufficient information, delegates are encouraged to abstain rather than recuse themselves.
3. Transparency and Communication
- Rationale for Votes: Delegates must communicate the reasoning behind their voting decisions to the community and their delegators. This transparency helps build trust and allows delegators to understand the delegates' perspectives.
- Availability: Delegates should be reasonably accessible to the community to answer questions, respond to comments, and discuss issues regarding proposals.
- Notification of Termination: Delegates intending to step down from their role must notify the community at least one month in advance, allowing sufficient time for delegators to choose alternative representation.
4. Civility and Professionalism
- Respectful Conduct: Delegates must foster a safe, welcoming, and harassment-free environment for all participants in the governance process. This includes respecting differing viewpoints and engaging in civil discourse.
- Prohibited Behaviours: Unacceptable behaviours, such as harassment, bullying, and aggressive conduct, as outlined in the Code of Conduct, are not tolerated.
- Constructive Feedback: Delegates should provide feedback that is well-researched, supported by evidence, and devoid of personal attacks. All arguments should focus on the merits of the proposals and the best interest of The Sandbox.
5. Conflict of Interest
- SIP Authorship and Relationships: Delegate forfeit their ability to propose a SIP.
- Disclosure of Conflicts: Delegates must avoid conflicts of interest, and declare if someone with a close personal or professional relationship, is the author of a SIP or stands to gain personal benefit from their voting actions. Any actual or potential conflicts must be disclosed to the community promptly. Delegates are required to not vote on any proposal where a conflict of interest exists.
- Transparency in Conflicts: Even potential conflicts should be disclosed, ensuring that all governance activities are conducted without bias or personal gain influencing decisions. Delegates are also required to not vote on any proposal where a potential conflict of interest exists.
6. Anti-Lobbying and Influence Protections
- Lobbying Disclosure: To protect the integrity of the decision-making process, delegates must disclose any lobbying efforts directed towards them that could influence their voting decisions. This includes any form of communication or pressure from external parties.
- Abstention in Cases of Influence: If a delegate feels that lobbying or undue influence has compromised their impartiality, they are required to abstain from voting on the relevant proposal.
- Transparency in Communications: All communications that may influence a delegate’s vote should be logged and disclosed to the community. This ensures full transparency and reduces the risk of hidden lobbying efforts.
7. Adherence to the Spirit of the Code
- Integrity Beyond Rules: While this Code of Conduct may not cover all possible scenarios, delegates are expected to adhere to its spirit. They should refrain from exploiting any potential loopholes, acting in good faith and in the best interest of the community at all times.
8. Optional Participation and Accountability
- Opt-In Commitment: Delegates may choose to opt into this Code of Conduct by indicating their agreement in the application form. By doing so, they signal their commitment to uphold these standards.
- Ongoing Feedback: The community is invited to provide feedback on this Code of Conduct. Strongly-held views and constructive suggestions will be considered for incorporation into future versions of the document, ensuring it remains robust and fair.
- Penalties for Non-Compliance: Delegates who fail to adhere to this Code of Conduct, particularly regarding conflict of interest disclosures, may face penalties, including the loss of delegate status and the SIP being cancelled.